Legal support is provided by one or more lawyers depending on the size and complexity of the case. In this respect, our objective is to anticipate any problems in order to prevent them from occurring. Experience shows that, on the one hand, this simplifies procedures and, on the other hand, prevents unnecessary costs.

We are also available to assist you with most of the legal problems that your company may encounter in its day-to-day operations.

In particular, the following themes come to mind:

Conclusion, termination and transfer of lease contracts

Conclusion, termination and transfer of employment contracts

Drafting and review of your contracts

Collection of your claims and defence against unjustified claims

Any question regarding lawsuits, bankruptcies and settlements

Setting up residence in Switzerland for you and/or your employees

Any other legal problems that you or your company may be facing

The mission of WM-Partners is to offer you a solution adapted to your needs, in the form of global support.

If your problem requires special skills, external specialists will intervene by our side.

Your contact person


Eric Muster

Eric Muster